March 21, 2020
Portland, ME
In this workshop, participants will explore how memoir writers reconstruct dialogue in order to capture the spirit of conversations by drawing on their recollections of a specific time and place, character traits like mannerisms and speech patterns, and character motives and relationships. USM's Glickman Library in Portland, ME, from 10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
March 31, 2020
Wellesley, MA
Join me for a discussion with other contributors to the anthology, Fury: Women's Lived Experiences During the Trump Era at Wellesley Books in Wellesley, MA, on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
April 18, 2020
Bangor, ME
SAVE THE DATE! More info to come.
Jan 09, 2019
"When I commit words to the page, I’m embarking on a rigorous and intentional act of self-reflection. As a memoirist, though, my journey doesn’t stop there. By writing through my stories, I’m engaging in an act of community. I’m seeking language that bridges my experiences with those of others, and I’m hoping that my words will open space for their words." - Melanie Brooks
Apr 24, 2018
"I believe there’s deep merit to giving this narrative shape to our painful stories. Writing about traumatic experiences do not repair them. However, re-entering those memories, taking them apart, and then putting them back together again on my own terms, has transformed them into something meaningful, maybe even beautiful, for me and, I hope, for my readers, too." -Melanie Brooks
Jan 17, 2018
I'm honored to have Writing Hard Stories featured in a memoir book roundup on Signature Reads, Penguin Random House's reading blog, among so many books that have been influential to my own writing process.
Jan 22, 2018
Listen to my conversation with host Janeane Bernstein as we talk about my memoir-in-progress, A Complicated Grief.
Jan 11, 2018
"Every time I sat down with one of these writers and listened to them talk candidly about their own journeys to bring their stories to the page, I found similarities in their processes and mine, and listened to their encouragement that always included the promise that I would get to a place where I felt differently about my story, where I could breathe a little bit easier. " - Melanie Brooks
Nov 11, 2017
In this blog post, Michael Steinberg revisits an interview originally conducted by Donna Talarico that appeared in Hippocampus Magazine and follows up on the publication of Writing Hard Stories.
Jun 21, 2017
"I'm sharing with you my interview with Melanie. She has lots of great things to say about writing—and living. I hope you'll watch and share it with others."
- Nadia Colburn, Align Your Light
May 28, 2017
"It takes a lot of emotional soul searching and deep diving into our memories and our experiences in order for us to reach that place of authenticity and really discover what the authentic story is behind our experiences." - Melanie Brooks
May 18, 2017
“It’s not about necessarily letting the story go, but it’s kind of re-envisioning it in a way that it doesn’t become such a burdensome thing. Writing about it will, in some way, change the story for you or change the way you carry that story.” - Melanie Brooks
May 15, 2017
Listen to my webinar with Leanna James Blackwell, director of Bay Path University's MFA program, on "Shaping Art from Trauma."
Apr 03, 2017
Listen to my conversation with host Janeane Bernstein as we talk about WRITING HARD STORIES.
Mar 20, 2017
"In challenging my own silence around my personal grief and loss and trauma, I'm trying to challenge a silence around those same topics that is embedded in our culture. Perhaps my voice can contribute to a world of fewer secrets, of more openness, of more care and support for those dealing with their own difficult truths."
Mar 04, 2017
"Language has its own transformative power, and I’ve come to understand that the gift of shared experience, shared stories, can sometimes be the best medicine we have to offer." - Melanie Brooks
Feb 27, 2017
"I wanted to hear about those lonely treks into memory from each one of these authors because then I might feel less lonely on my own trek." - Melanie Brooks
Feb 05, 2017
Feb 02, 2017
"I thank Melanie Brooks for the liberating read, one which I am sure will inspire many other writers."
Jan 06, 2017
"For writers struggling with the next step of their journeys, Brooks’ work is a signpost showing them the way, urging them onward, offering companionship, and ultimately proving that the destination is already well within sight, even if they can’t yet see it. "
Oct 11, 2016
"An inspiring guide to ennobling personal stories that travel to the dark sides of life."
Oct 27, 2016